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This website is provided by NEUROSANTE OÜ.

General information

Business name: NEUROSANTE OÜ

Registry code: 16952085

Legal form: Private limited company

Capital: Capital is 50 €

Registered: 26.03.2024


Address: Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Veskiposti tn 2-1002, 10138

E-mail address:

Phone: +90 549 542 66 99

VAT information

The legal person is not liable to VAT.

Right of representation

Name: Selim Akdemir

Personal identification code: 37402040461

Role: Management board member

Start: 26.03.2024


Name: Selim Akdemir

Participation: 100.00%

Contribution: 50.00 EUR

Code: 37402040461

Start: 26.03.2024

List of entries

Entries made in Tartu County Court Registration Department, Approved on 26.03.2024 (first entry)

Areas of activity

Areas of activity: Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment

Type: Principal activity

EMTAK code: 26601 (EMTAK 2008)

NACE code: 26.60

Source: Electronic submission (26.03.2024)


The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):

Our Email address can be found at the top under contact.

We are unwilling and not obliged to participate in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Legal Notices (Disclaimer)

Please note the important legal notices about the content and availability of these websites, copyright and external links.

Contents of this website

The contents of our pages were created with great care. For the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the contents, however, we can not guarantee.

Availability of the website

We will endeavor to offer the service as uninterrupted as possible for retrieval. Even with all due care, downtime cannot be excluded. We reserve the right to change or discontinue our offer at any time. We cannot assume any liability for interruptions or other disturbances caused by non-error files or formats that are not structured without errors.


All contents and structures of this Website are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. Publication on the World Wide Web or other Internet services does not constitute a declaration of consent for any other use by third parties. Any use not permitted prior written consent of us.


We expressly allow and welcome the citation of our documents and the setting of links to our website, as long as it is indicated that the content of the website is and that this content is not associated with third-party content, which are contrary to our interests.

Note on the problem of external links

As a content provider, we are responsible as a content provider for the "own content" that we provide for use. From these own contents, cross-references ("links") to the content provided by other providers should be distinguished. Through the cross-reference, we therefore keep "foreign content" ready for use, which are marked in this way:

"Links" are always "living" (dynamic) references. Although we checked the third-party content during the initial linking process, it could trigger a possible civil or criminal liability. However, we do not constantly check the content to which we refer in our offer for changes that could lead to a new responsibility. If we discover or are notified by others that a specific offer to which we have provided a link triggers a civil or criminal liability, we will remove the reference to this offers.

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